In the summer of 2021, Alexandra S. Aderhold embarked on a journey to a former dairy farm that had undergone a transformation into a sanctuary called Lebenslänglich (translates to Life Sentence). The purpose was to create a poignant short film, which you can find at the end of this article, documenting this remarkable transition. It was a turning point for the farm's owners, Juliane and Josef, who made a life-altering decision one fateful day. They chose to break away from the cycle of exploiting cows, ending practices that involved forceful impregnation, separating mother cows from their calves, and harvesting their milk. Their decision was to embrace a vegan lifestyle, and as a result, the remaining 20 cows at the sanctuary now enjoy lives free from exploitation.
“One year later, I came across the book „Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach“ by Gary L. Francione and Anna Charlton, which provided me with the utmost clarity on the matter of animal rights. As fate would have it, during my initial read of the book, I found myself visiting a sanctuary in Austria where, for the very first time, I encountered cows up close. I vividly recall a profound moment when I embraced a cow who had peacefully settled down to bask in the mountain sun. Feeling her rhythmic breath and gazing into her eyes, I realized what it truly meant to be sentient. Through her gaze, I recognized an individual, a being who reciprocated the connection, someone who looked back at me. In that instant, my bond extended to every creature on this planet, and I made a solemn commitment to utilize my abilities to safeguard and advocate for the fundamental rights of all animals. I also became the godmother of a calf named Cookie, born shortly before the dairy farm transformed into a sanctuary.
When I visited one year later and called out Cookie‘s name, she joyfully recognized me and approached me, as she used to do, licking my hand affectionately. Seeing her unmistakable recognition reaffirmed my belief that these animals are not mere objects, but living beings with unique experiences. They actively participate in life, demonstrate cognitive abilities, and possess the remarkable capacity to think and remember. It is my hope that by sharing my story and the knowledge I have acquired, I can inspire others to make conscious choices that don‘t harm other creatures, urging us all towards a future where the exploitation of animals is but a distant memory, a dark chapter of our history books.”
– from Breaking Chains – Ending Animal Exploitation for Good by Alexandra S. Aderhold