all vegan

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All of Alexandra Sylvia Aderhold's artworks are vegan. She only uses vegan materials, works with vegan designers, and prints her products with vegan ink. She decided to stop using analog film, including instant film, as she wants to ensure that her art is not based on materials sourced from animal exploitation.

"There is a clear connection between veganism and my art. Consent is always important, especially in the nude, fetish, and porn scene, and it’s just as important when it comes to other animals. We should not violate their fundamental rights and use them as objects or treat them as our property without their consent just so that we can have leather whips or whipped cream on set. It’s just not right."

why vegan?

In our fight against injustice, including systems like racism and sexism, we must not overlook nonhuman animals merely because their DNA differs from ours. They, too, endure moral exclusion, discrimination, exploitation, and oppression, warranting protection for their rights and interests. What truly matters in the context of other animals is our shared sentience and subjecthood, making them morally relevant.

By excluding others based on traits they are born with — whether it's species, skin color, gender, ability, or other characteristics — we perpetuate a pattern of discrimination, exploitation, and oppression. It is imperative to boycott systematic and systemic violence and work towards its cessation, not just its regulation.

Please watch the video to better understand why veganism is a moral obligation.

🇬🇧🇩🇪 Die Ethik der Tierrechte – Unsere Moralische Verpflichtung Gegenüber Anderen Tieren (with eng subs)



This comprehensive document is designed to empower vegan individuals with the tools they need to engage in efficient activism, regardless of their preferred methods. Whether you're passionate about online advocacy, street activism, or having conversations with friends and family, this guide offers a roadmap for making a difference.

Our aim is clear: to provide guidance for abolitionist activism, advocating for the complete end of animal enslavement and exploitation. Whether you're just starting out on your activist journey or looking to enhance your impact, this guide offers insights and tactics to help you become the best activist that you can be for the animals.

Animal Rights Guide
© 2024, 1st Edition by Alexandra S. Aderhold, Michael Wittmann, and

When talking to non-vegans, it can be assumed that they may not know much about animal rights and the typical methods of animal exploitation. That's why The Folder was created. It serves as a visual tool to highlight that enslaving animals and using them as resources is an ethical crime. Anyone wishing to raise awareness for animal rights can download and utilize this Folder.

The embedded color profile in the PDF is ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI). To achieve optimal printing results, it's important to ensure that the printer or printing company takes this setting into account. The format of the Folder is A4. It's easiest to print the pages individually and then assemble them.

If the Folder is intended to be used with a spiral binding (spiral at the top), please use the second PDF file. This should then be submitted for printing as an A4 portrait brochure with left-aligned spiral binding.

aderholdprojects, 2023

Watch the video with english subtitles.

Introducing vibrant protest signs designed for animal rights activism by Alexandra Aderhold. These posters are available for download, allowing you to print them out and use them to make your voice heard. Created with bold, eye-catching designs, they ensure they stand out and remain easily readable and recognizable from every angle.

To enhance usability, our posters feature wide margins, allowing for easy handling without covering any of the text or images. Additionally, we recommend printing them double-sided to maximize their effectiveness and ensure both sides are utilized efficiently. Download these posters today and join the fight for animal rights!

The color profile embedded in the PDF is ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI). To achieve optimal printing results, it is important to ensure that the printer or print shop takes this setting into account. The format of the signs is A1 (double-sided), with a bleed allowance of 5mm.

aderholdprojects, 2024